In the (almost) year since my last post, we have had some major changes! We have a dedicated clinical space on the 3rd floor of the main clinic building. Currently, only the surgical part of the program is there, but we hope to be truly integrated with the Medical side of the program soon.
Our program has been offering the Lap Band for almost a year now, with great enthusiasm from the community.
Our new website is up, though we still have some tuning to do. You cannot get to it from SMDC.org, yet, but must use DuluthClinic.org (SEE LINK AT RIGHT). We have many staff changes and additions listed there.
ICSI guidelines are revised for 2006. I was honored to participate as the surgeon on the guideline revision team.
Here is the link to the right ->>> it is a PDF download. The main text on surgery is pages 34-48, see summary on page 60-61. The Outcome measures page 101 is especially important, since it measures how often actual APPROPRIATE counselling is done, rather than just recording of the BMI.
VIDEOS are very compelling on both of the upper two links at right - I recommend you visit them.
We have added quarterly Saturday information sessions to the Superior, Wisconsin and Main SMMC monthly sessions.
Here is a test for links Obesity Action Coalition
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